Leadership Skills

Empower your leaders with psychological skills

The future of your organisation is in your leaders' hands. Give your leaders the skills to better manage change, seize opportunities and support others with our evidence-based training.

Leadership development hero

At a glance

  • Equip your leaders with core psychological skills
  • Set the wheels in motion for organisation-wide change
  • Take an approach that's tried, tested and backed by science
  • Prepare your people for whatever the future brings
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What is leadership skills training?

Put simply, leadership skills training is about helping your leaders to be the best they can be.

In an increasingly complex world, the demand for high quality, targeted leadership training has never been greater. Good leaders require a whole range of different skills, from emotional awareness and resilience, to adaptability and communication skills. However, many leaders are promoted for their technical abilities and never taught these core skills.

Leadership skills training is about empowering leaders with the skills they need to thrive, both today and in the future.

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Why is leadership skills training so important for organisations?

Leaders matter! They are natural role models and powerful drivers of organisational success. Their behaviours ripple through organisations, impacting how others think, feel and behave. Our research has found that leaders who are perceived as good role models for psychological awareness improve resilience in their workforce by 17% (data from a Professional Services Firm; n=1408, collected Spring 21).

By supporting your leaders' skills and ensuring they're equipped to thrive, you can help to optimise resilience and performance throughout your whole organisation.

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How can organisations do leadership skills training right?

Research indicates that as many as 90% of leadership interventions do not have a sustainable impact (Beer, 2016). This means that many organisations – despite good intentions – are wasting considerable time and money.

To do leadership training effectively, organisations need an understanding of behavioural change, what works in practice and the factors that drive success. With the right approach, leadership training can future-proof your organisation and give you the edge in what is an increasingly competitive and demanding world of work.


of training interventions fail to make a meaningful difference*

1 in 4

leaders indicate that leadership skills is nonexistent or low quality at their organisation


Leadership skills training with Positive

Leadership training is what we do best. Our Positive Leaders programme combines data, cutting-edge science and practical tools to help your leaders build a set of core psychological skills – skills that can support them in every aspect of their life. We've spent years building and refining the programme, scrutinising the science and gathering feedback to make sure it's not just enjoyable, but also makes a lasting difference.

In addition to Positive Leaders, we have Positive Executive – a transformational masterclass to inspire your executive team and help drive change from the very top. Finally, we've developed a unique insights offering, which can help you understand how your people are faring and how you can make the biggest impact. With Positive Insights, you can track your progress with leadership skills and make sure you're always focusing your efforts where they're needed the most.


A blended, four-part programme to build capability in your leaders. Help your most influential employees develop core psychological skills, establish role models for protective wellbeing behaviours and drive positive change from the top.

Positive Exec Hero Positive Website Exec Hero

“If you’re wondering how to power up the performance of your leaders and teams, Positive’s for you. Top-notch science made practical for daily use.”

Christoph Schwaiger
Chief Executive Officer at Hofer

How we work

A unique approach to leadership training

Cutting-edge science

Science is at the heart of everything we do. We translate insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical skills that can support your people in the workplace.

Driven by data

We believe that measurement matters. That’s why we use data to help you track your progress with your leadership skills, as well as influencing factors.

Lasting skills

Progress is only good as long as it lasts. With our solutions, we encourage your leaders to behave as scientists, experimenting as they go, so they can build skills that last.

Take the first step

Get in touch to find out how you can unlock your full leadership potential today


Your questions, answered

Who can participate in your leadership programmes?

Who runs your programmes?

How long are your programmes?

Can you deliver your programmes in person?

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